Monday, October 16, 2006

JC life has ended

Wow, 2 yrs of JC life have ended coz i dun needa go back to school anymore until the A-level. Well, i shld say that i'm happy but not becoz of the school, but perhaps i joined tong xun yuan. Honestly, if i can choose again, i may not go JJC. Perhaps i'll go NYJC coz i don't enjoy myself like many ppl do in JJC. Well i do say that i have made some good friends in JJC. Though there isn't a lot, but there are still a few whom i can remember.

1. Xiling & Vivian. Actually i know you all for so long, haha. But you all seem to always be there for me, giving me advice. Well, you all commented the most in my blog.
2. My small grp of friend in 05S22 David, Weeling, Jun Hao, Wendy & Xinhang: Thanx for u all. Though sometimes we dun talk much, perhaps we dun have common interest, we are still able to be friends. And without you all, i think that i'll always eat alone during my break.
3. 1st 3 mths' buddy: Wow, it seems that our friendship didn't dilute despite i left you all after 1st 3 mth. Thanx.
4. GrpB: Haha, my grp mates for the Xi An trip. You all are a grp of remarkable friends. Our friendship was built in China and i'd maintained it well with most of them. And thanx for the S31 grp of friends, allowing me to sit with u all everyday in the morning.
5. Jason. Simply know him by chance, thru the FireFlyz opening. And surprisingly we do talk quite a bit when we meet each other. And read his blog juz now, our character and our situation now are quite similar. Perhaps this has bonded us.

Though i dun have an enjoyable 2 yrs, these are something which i'll bring away with me.

Location: Jurong, Singapore, Hong Kong

Hmm. I'm really an avg guy, avg in everything, that's why i'm still single now. I'm also a lamer coz i love to crack a lot of lame and "yellow" jokes, haha!

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