Tuesday, February 28, 2006

How come i juz simply can't write some optimistic entries?

Hello, Coming back to blog. Sigh.... School is happening so many things, especially in my class. Seems that i'm not having close relationship with my grp of friends. Maybe they are really dating and dating is everything. And really as time goes by, you'll really see the true character of everyone. Well, i really think that i'm diff from them and shld i say that i'm glad that i'm diff from them? The gals are alright, perhaps manipulated by their bfs.Well, the guys they are not serious in their works and talking during tutorial. Well, that's why i can do better in my tests(excluding econs which i totally hate it). Well, is it great that i'm diff frm them? Sitting with them, most of the time they dun talk to me, so i'll normally talk to other friends from other classes. They may think that i "bang-seh" them but well, why do i needa bang-seh them? They must think this way, right? Today, when i went home, i could take bus 198 with them, but i chose not to. They may think that i am this, i'm that, but well, who are those ppl who don't even bother to wait for me for 1 min for me to pack my bag and return my utensils? Am i doing all this correctly?

Location: Jurong, Singapore, Hong Kong

Hmm. I'm really an avg guy, avg in everything, that's why i'm still single now. I'm also a lamer coz i love to crack a lot of lame and "yellow" jokes, haha!

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