Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Coming to blog becoz i'm in a bad mood

Hello everyone, coming to blog again. You may think that i'll talk abt my CNY celebration, but it'll not be my main thing that i'll talk abt. Firstly, i must say that i celebrate CNY with my TXY friends for the first time and it is like so fun, joking and playing pool with them.
But basically, i'm really in a foul mood now. Coz juz now, i'm doing my econs homework and i dunno where to search for my ans. Basically, i hate and detest econs. You all may ask why do i take econs. Then, i can tell u, I DON"T KNOW EITHER! I shld have taken physic instead. My parents always think that econs is so easy and it's common sense, i dun think so. Then, when i asked them abt the pros and cons for a zero interest policy, they dunno and i asked them that i thought they said that it was common sense. But they immediately change their stand, they were saying that they'll do well if they have studied for it. Rubbish, who won't do well if u dun study for a subject? My sis is more understanding, knowing that it's not necessary to take 4 sub in A-level and it's alright to drop 1. But my parents think that taking 4 subs will be better as i'll have another subject which will act as an insurance, in my case----Econs. Well, i dun even think that it's an insurance. You all can imagine, if you all only have juz the money to maintain a living, will u still buy an insurance? Well, u all know the answer. You all may say that i'm coping well with my math& chem and sometimes, my Chinese A, and it's alright to take econs, but i simply hate the subject. Then, my parents are nagging and nagging, telling me the example abt my mum's boss, who were employed by the company becoz he took econs in A-level(despite getting only an AO-level pass). I'm totally sick with this example. I'll nvr ever wanna touch econs after my A-level and i'll not major in econs in my university. If i'm only given the choice to major in econs in uni, i'll not study uni. Also dunno what to do, should i continue with econs, despite i've so much hatred, or shld i carry on becoz of all the benefits which i've heard for so many times. I dun mind telling you all, i quarrel with my parents a lot of times discussing abt the difficulty of econs and shld i drop econs. Sigh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Location: Jurong, Singapore, Hong Kong

Hmm. I'm really an avg guy, avg in everything, that's why i'm still single now. I'm also a lamer coz i love to crack a lot of lame and "yellow" jokes, haha!

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