Sunday, May 14, 2006

Billy's back, so stressed

Hey everyone, i'm back after 2 weeks. Wanted to blog coz i'm waiting for someone to reply my msn and he is like, didn't reply my sms since ytd. Is it a karma, coz i didn't reply his msg, informing him that he had successfully added me in msn? Erm, so sorry then, if u happen to read my blog
Well, last wk i went for NS check-up. Well, i got PES C, so get exempted from physical activity, it's good i believe. Recently juz feel very stressed, perhaps i'm really loaded with a lot of homework and tests. Some ppl think that i'm giving myself too much stress but well, i dun think so. I want to do very well for "A"-level coz i didn't do incredibly well for any of my major exams. I got 218 for PSLE, 14 for O-level, quite bad actually. So if i dun do well for my "A"-level, which i want to get A for Math & Chem, and B for Chinese A and a pass for GP (if i can, B3 and i'm dreaming)hopefully(Dun bother abt econs, hopefully a C). I'm doomed if i dun do well for A-level.

Well, i know that txy is currently preparing for wen hua ying and i'm like not helping out. Honestly i feel very bad when almost all committe members for TXY are helping out. And i'm doing my last huixun in the regime of CY & me as the ruiying leaders. I really dunno what to do. Chengyao hopes that i can take charge of this july huixun and i think i shld coz chengyao took charge of the previous 2 huixuns. But then, my mid-yr is on the last week of june holiday. So unfortunately. Then, my parents dun want me to go down coz of my A-level. Why dun they allow me to make my own decision. It seems that all my family members are forbiding me to go down to sph. SPH is the Forbidden City, haha.(Not funny) So really dunno what to do? Can u tell me how?


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Location: Jurong, Singapore, Hong Kong

Hmm. I'm really an avg guy, avg in everything, that's why i'm still single now. I'm also a lamer coz i love to crack a lot of lame and "yellow" jokes, haha!

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