Friday, April 14, 2006

Troubled Billy coming to blog

Well, u shld know what i wanna write when u see the title. Currently really troubled with a few issues:
1. Studies
I got triple A for my 1st term, so shldn't i be happy? Nope i'm not coz i failed my GP. My parents are screaming at me and want me to improve my GP by memorising the dictionary. They even tell me that u can know my vocab by not going bao guan. So, it shows that they dun want me to go bao guan.
2. TXY
My troubles came from txy. I'm really.... like i can't go to bao guan and i can't contribute. Really think that the whole zhong yang will hate me. Then my new batch of ruiying, i love them very much.
But... some txy from other grps dun really like them coz they scream too loud&think that they dun work. My ruiying'06, i dun think of it that way. Screaming too loud makes someone irritating, and i think that it's a sign of enthusiatism. So shld txy be quiet during the orientation? I dun think ppl wanna see it in orientation. Then ppl think that they can't perform, but well, they handed in their zi geng di on time. They sent their articles on me 3 days b4 the deadline. Then 3 articles from the ruiying'06 are on the POPCORN for consecutive 2 weeks, so u see, they work, they write articles, they dun juz barely talk! Then they always call me to discuss abt the ways to write articles. So did any of the ppl in other grps do so? I doubt there are a lot. U may see us talking, ha-la, but we do it after we finished our official work. But well, ruiying'06, u all do well. U all are enthu, are able to work, able to meet deadline, u all rox! We dun need to bother abt such words, ur leaders(CY&I) have strong faith in u all. Ur ability will be revealed sooner or later. PPL will also know sooner or later that we are all-rounders. So sorry for the txys which u are involved in this, that's what i want to see. And i also want u all to know my members better, the side which u all didn't see. End of story
3rd Love
Well, a problem which has been troubling me for ages. This time, dunno if i am right, i think a gal likes me and not very sure abt my feeling towards her. Do i like her, or do i not? But ppl think that we are brought up in diff cultures and we may not click. But well, i promised myself, i must finish my A-level b4 thinking of this, although i dun want to do so.
Anyway, the moral of the story is that, I AM TROUBLED.


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Location: Jurong, Singapore, Hong Kong

Hmm. I'm really an avg guy, avg in everything, that's why i'm still single now. I'm also a lamer coz i love to crack a lot of lame and "yellow" jokes, haha!

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