Sunday, October 23, 2005

Good mood!

As u can see from the title, i'm in a gd mood. I have actually gotten over on what had happened last wk and i'm very happy that i'm still gd friend with her. Ytd, i was in bao guan for the xinma meeting. And tha CY came to bao guan, wanna study but he is juz (ha la)-ing for2 hrs. OMG, CY, dunno if u r reading my blog or not, i really hope that u can really conc. to study this mth. Juz one mth and everything is over. U can ha-la how much u can after ur O-level. Lu Jing & i had promised to treat u to a buffet if u get L1R5 15 and below. Then in bao guan, all the J1 are discussing abt their results and siping and lu jing gong xi me lah. That weizheng again, haolian-ing that he got top in GP and aileen "dia"(hokkien) him. Good job, aileen! I still ask him, so what did u get for ur rest of the subject? Haha! That day siping and i "longbang" guo hui's car coz siping went back to NUS and i went to west mall. He is really nice leh, he even talked to me abt his plan of taking a train and bus from s'pore to norway. He's really someone interesting. Hope that he really succeed. Today, i woke up early and went to bao guan and work for the cpf talk with lu jing, biaogang & xiuhui. It was very fun. It was really the 1st time i talked to xiuhui and she is really nice lah. We were talking abt university & "A"-level. That day, we were eating so many things and i even brought few packs of rice back home. I even earned $40. That's good. I'll be ending here lah. But b4 that, bing rong hor, u didn't reply my sms on sat! I was like looking for u to chat on the phone then u didn't reply lor, haha.


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Location: Jurong, Singapore, Hong Kong

Hmm. I'm really an avg guy, avg in everything, that's why i'm still single now. I'm also a lamer coz i love to crack a lot of lame and "yellow" jokes, haha!

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