Friday, October 07, 2005

I'm appearing on the show, screening in my school!

Hello, coming to blog AGAIN! Coz recently too free liao, haha! Juz tell u all last time i'm trying to contact the FLORENCE, i did it! But not FLORENCE lah, she taking leave, it was someone else, SHARON. Thanx Mr tay for giving me her no. And, i'm going to appear on the episode that will be screened in my school! Good! I'm taking when i do my self-introduction, should i say that i'm from JJC and ppl screamed? Coz i'm talking abt ppl using blog criticising and insulting their teachers. I may lift eg. from my school.. Hmm... thinking abt it! But at least i'm appearing on the show. Recently, many ppl can recognise me lor. That time when ppl come and visit my school, they still ask me, " are u the person who appeared on tv" And also my friends in my tuition class. Haha! Is it something gd or bad? Dun talk abt it lah! As long as i'm appearing on the show. That's all i wanna say. To end, i actually nominated someone in SPH as the best grp member, and who is it? I dun say first, haha!


Blogger yangfan said...

HEY, what's ur name? which txy group are you from?

hmm.. i'm txy also.. i also went to ISD at gek pok cc, how come i never see ya in SPH de? hmm, maybe i shoudl chekc the master name list from SPH..

btw, you can email me @

7:23 PM  
Blogger angelflyxx said...

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10:41 PM  
Blogger Carlos NBR said...

heyz! hu u vote?? lOLx...

4:55 PM  

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Location: Jurong, Singapore, Hong Kong

Hmm. I'm really an avg guy, avg in everything, that's why i'm still single now. I'm also a lamer coz i love to crack a lot of lame and "yellow" jokes, haha!

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