Sunday, April 16, 2006

Love,Love,Love What can I say?

Hmm... i come to blog again, within 2 days. You may find the title familiar, coz it came from a song which is sang by Fann Wong. This title really reveals what i'm thinking now actually. Trying to convince myself that i must do well for A-level, but dunno why i still bother so much abt my love life? Coz sooner or later, i must have a plan for it. I may juz..... be a loser in love. That's why i need to study to ensure that i have a busy job to keep me fully occupied, coz i may not even have the chance to go dating. Lonely is terrifying. Juz realised that a gal(still dunno if i really like her or not), is going quite well with a guy, who has better physical qualities and it's impt coz as i had said in one of my blog entries last yr, this world is superficial. So did i lose the battle, or did i even qualify for the battle? Dunno, juz again it is another confirmation of my suxing love life. Really dunno what can i say for LOVE? Impt, not impt, superficial, non-superficial. Today junhua came to my house and we chatted, and he told me he had 5 gfs. OMG, isn't it a bit too much for someone at my age. But he is nothing compared to jia shuai who had almost 20 gfs, despite being 1 yr older than me. Junhua told me that it's easy to woo gals, he even gave me some tactics but well, such tactics go well for u, but not me. Again, Love,Love,Love, What can i say? Love, will i even be "eligible" to talk abt it coz i may not even have a chance to touch it before my heartbeat stops. Looks, i dun have. Studies, i'm doing well in school (an avg school). If i dun do well for my A-level, what is the point of living on earth? I'm juz like a useless piece of scrap metal. With horrible outer and inner beauty, where can i go? Perhaps the Heaven or even the Hades will be better for me. Earth..... it's not a place for me!


Blogger -whocares said...

HEY! RELAX OKAY! maybe you can be like me lah, decide to wait till the major exams are over le then think abt all these. maybe by that time you would have found a better person? or if you really like her, maybe you can drop her some hints? its the person that i know right?! hm, relax k. things will definitely turn better de. andd, studies is definitely MUCH MUCH MUCH more impt than love. this is pragmatic world, you can't survive without that cert, esp o lvls. jiayou loads okay! txys/zhongyang will uds that you can't make it for meetings de. relax okay. you don't have to always be present to show pple that you're enthu. if you're enthu you can show it in many different ways. even just by calling up pple and ask them abt what's happening is a way of showing that you still care for this club, not like others who just simply disappear.relax k! things will definitelyturn better (:

9:42 PM  
Blogger -whocares said...

oh btw, that previous note was from me (:


9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Xi Ling here. Ya I agree that love should wait after the 'A's, and you should be really proud of yourself that you are doing well in your studies ! Keep striving hard for your 'A's - chuan dao qiao tou zi ran zhi. By the way, you can visit my blog at

1:02 PM  

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Location: Jurong, Singapore, Hong Kong

Hmm. I'm really an avg guy, avg in everything, that's why i'm still single now. I'm also a lamer coz i love to crack a lot of lame and "yellow" jokes, haha!

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