Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Everything will start in 17 hrs.

Hey everyone, coming to blog, my last entry b4 my A-level. Juz feel very stressed. I have a headache for the past weeks and my chest will hurt occasionally. In addition, though i'm very tired, i can really have a good sleep recently. Perhaps i'm nervous, no idea.

Comparing myself with others, i really feel that i'm not as hardworking as others, i didn't really stay up late to study. The latest is around 1am, but i always sleep at around 12am. Whereas, i know that many ppl study until 3am. In addition, i still watched tv, use the computer and go out for my meals.

When i study, for chinese literature in particular, i'm always very scared that what i have studied, it didn't appear for my exams. I'm taking a risk, i'm juz focusing on the long qns for 3 stories, coz i only needa answer 3 qns for my long qns section. Well, i think that it shld be a smart move, coz like my chinese teacher had said, when u know all stories equally well, u'll be so confused when u needa choose 3 long qns out of 5 provided, u may waste a lot of time. I hope that it's true. Anyway, tml is my GP paper. I've no idea what will appear. It seems that an essay qns on nuclear energy may appear. So really hope that i'm so lucky that it may appear. I'll not attempt common qns like qns on education, youth & aged. If i can, i'll attempt qns which requires knowledge on that particular field, like nuclear power.

Honestly, after the GP & Chinese paper, i won't be so scared becoz my maths & chem are my better subs. I won't be so tensed, perhaps i needa put more attention on my option topic for my chemistry(environmental chem), which i totally detest it. For econs, after my maths, i've 5 free days to pia econs. That's really my strategy.

Dunno how will i fare for my A-level? Though my grade is school has been quite alrite, from AAC to AAB to AAA. Even if i can AAC, i won't be so disappointed. I've told myself, i'll be utterely disappointed to get something below AAC. My ideal grade is of course 4As, but to be a bit realistic, i believe it'll be what i have gotten for my prelims, AABC. Anyway, what i can do now is to work hard and dun think abt it, which is difficult.

I'm quite pressurised and stressed for A-levels. My family even suggested that FEB 2007, someone needa accompany me to get my results, coz they afraid that i'll kill myself if i didn't do well, which i think i will. And my definition for not doing well is BBC, which many ppl think that i'm crazy. Anyway, i'll really work for the last few days to ensure that this won't happen.

Lastly, wish all the Os & As students, all the best! Jia you!


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Location: Jurong, Singapore, Hong Kong

Hmm. I'm really an avg guy, avg in everything, that's why i'm still single now. I'm also a lamer coz i love to crack a lot of lame and "yellow" jokes, haha!

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