Monday, September 25, 2006

Everything is complicated...

Hmm... juz ended school and got back a few papers. Well, i shldn't reveal first until i got back all.

Well, recently felt that many things are actually very complicated. It is really that as people grow other, things that occur around them are really complicated. Why do I say that? Well, becoz i got something which on the surface, it's something nice. Instead, i feel that it's a sarcasm. Perhaps u all dun understand, but i won't further elaborate coz the ppl involved may be reading the blog. (My blog has been introduced by the CDAC in their monthly newletter, so i must be careful abt what i write)

Then, even i become complicated. I find my character very special. My character is very extreme. Dunno why do i feel sad even when i go out with my friends last fri? Perhaps i really feel demoralised coz they all can sing so well... Coz i can't sing. Some ppl didn't learn but yet they can sing so well. I really tried to learn, but....

Hmm... many ppl are striving so hard, even harder than me, but yet they may not get the grade they want. Though i can normally get the good grades i want, i am not happy at all, dunno why. Perhaps i want something else. I want to have a good voice and also have the ability to dance hip-hop. Well, i'm not gifted. I also want to be very physically fit, but what, i can't perform all these. And i dun think i look good. So when i have the money, i'll do 3 things
1. Learn to sing
2. Learn Hip hop
3. Plastic surgery

Even i've all the money in the world, i can't really buy what i want
1. Accompany
2. The ability to read thru other's mind

Well, u seee, everything is complicated. You all shld trust me now....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Billy, this is Xi Ling here.

Yup, I agree with you that money cannot buy happiness. True happiness comes from inside you. It is something so ordinary in our lives that we have taken it for granted - family members, teachers and friends who sincerely care about us. Normally, what makes people happy are perhaps little things in life like a gesture of thanks from someone, not major events like a windfall.

Actually your excellence in your studies alone already makes many people envy, including me. Try focusing on what you have, like being able to eat, drink and live a perfectly healthy life, when others in third-world countries are suffering from malnutrition or dying patients are struggling on the operation table for their lives. Only when one is grateful for what he or she has, may one find true happiness.

I will be writing an entry on happiness too, partially influenced by the GP question: "'Happiness is elusive; it can never be attained.' Discuss." You can have a look at it this weekend at

I hope you will find your true happiness soon.

8:09 PM  
Blogger -whocares said...

when you're talking people who CAN sing, it doesn't include me yah. but i guess the point of going kbox is just to sing out loud n enjoy and vent all your stress out. it doesn't matter whether you can sing or not. that's the purpose of kbox i guess. to let people sing no matter they can or not which i think you CAN lah. not like me. maybe one day we can organize like go with boyi?! then you know what i called cannot sing HAHAHHAHA jkjk lahh. he not really cannot sing lah, just not as well as xiaohan they all :D hahahha (: anyway i hope you did well for your prelims eh. i totally screwed it like crazy?! hmms. jiayou for A's. after that, its PARTY TIME!! (:(:

-cecilia :D

6:30 PM  
Blogger angelflyxx said...

hack care of the ppl who look down on u. u have what u earned urslf and nothing can replace that. so be proud of that! im sure u're always very bright and smart so jus ignore what others say. u can do it ;)


6:38 PM  

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Location: Jurong, Singapore, Hong Kong

Hmm. I'm really an avg guy, avg in everything, that's why i'm still single now. I'm also a lamer coz i love to crack a lot of lame and "yellow" jokes, haha!

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