Monday, October 02, 2006

My ambition is correct

Hmm.... Just ended school. I'm so anxious to get back my chem paper 2 today but guess what, my chem teacher is absent. So 扫兴. And there isn't a relief teacher. Dunno when is she going to return our chem paper 2 coz i heard that the teachers need to key in our prelim results into the computer by wed. So hopefully we can get back tml, though our next chem tutorial is next mon (coz our tutorial is only once a wk).

Anyway, after last sat, i'm very sure abt my ambition which i'd thought of last yr--- teacher. Last sat, i met cantonese buddy junhua coz he told me that he missed me(so mushy). No lah, coz he needed some help in his social studies mid-yr. Perhaps he is a bit weak in his eng, so he couldn't understand the textbook and the model essays fully. Thus, i explained everything to him, sentence by sentence in cantonese and chinese. I explained to him abt why conflict arises among countries(competition for sacred resources, land and also differences in ideology) and also abt diplomacy & deterrence, which is abt UN, ASEAN & also the 2 pronged approach which S'pore adopts. You guys guess how long did i explain all these to him and i repeated many times.............

6 hours, from 5.30-11.30pm, though we talked abt other stuffs within these hours. And you all guess what, i was so patient and didn't mind explaining the same thing again and again for 6 hours. Perhaps i really think that i can be a teacher, perhaps tutor. Haha, but i won't be teaching social studies. Chemistry or math perhaps if i really become a teacher. Thanx for believing in me, Junhua. Then, this also proves that my cantonese is still quite good, haha...

Dunno why, when ppl ask me some qns on math & chem, i dun feel impatient. I like it, coz i really love to talk & teach. Well, ppl who aren't in the same school as me feel that :"Billy, you can teach ah? Are u that good?"
Ya, i admit i'm not in a top JC and i'm never in a top school, but it seems that ppl are quite stereotype, thinking that ppl in neighbourhood school are definitely less clever than those in top schools. That's why i'm taking my A-level this yr, telling ppl that you don't need to be in a top secondary school or top JCs to do well. Well, this is really a stereotype. Though i'm not saying that i'm very clever and doesn't mean that i can't teach. Teaching also requires the way you present your knowledge and the way of explaining. Some ppl think that they are from XXJC and they are thus very smart and think that ppl from YYJC are very stupid. I knew of someone who belong to XXJC, yup he did well for his O-level, so much better than me, but guess what, i can teach better than him coz he couldn't teach. Well, i won't talk so loudly now, wait till my A-level has ended.... Anyway, the conclusion is that my ambition is correct and if ppl think that neighbouring schools students are dumb, haha, you are already acting as a dumb ass.


Blogger truevirgo said...

heyhey.. good luck for A's yeah!-xinying.

10:56 PM  
Blogger -whocares said...

waa all the XX YY thing hahahas. its like some pple are smart but they can't teach. but some are not really super good like those is XXJC but they can teach well. i guess its what i call "an ability to teach" hahaha

cecilia :D

11:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, this is Xi Ling here.

Wow, you wanna be a teacher in future? Me too - I really love teaching a lot! :D But I don't think I will be majoring in the Sciences in university next year; I will most probably be taking up Chinese Studies, or music if fate allows, as I am not musically trained; guzheng does not count much, hehe.

All the best for your 'A' Levels ... and hope to see you at NIE soon :)

4:28 PM  
Blogger Carlos NBR said...

I think that many people in this society really has this "eyes paste stamp" "quality"..I mean we should not judge a person by where he's from or how he looks.. well, like me who aims to be a hotel manager, who knows what we will really become in the future.. but here to wish you luck in aiming to become a teacher and I'm sure that you will be a good one!! Good luck for ur As too!!

6:00 PM  
Blogger angelflyxx said...

LOL... xiling, billy still has NS okay. u're so impatient to see him ya! ;)

7:49 PM  

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Location: Jurong, Singapore, Hong Kong

Hmm. I'm really an avg guy, avg in everything, that's why i'm still single now. I'm also a lamer coz i love to crack a lot of lame and "yellow" jokes, haha!

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